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4 Types of Pickleball Players - Which Are You?

Sep 07, 2023


Before we keep going, welcome back to another edition of the blog. If you’re new to the blog and want to go back and check out past editions, go here!

Today’s edition has three parts: 

1. A Helpful Tip (Video) – The 4th Shot: The Pickleball Shot You're Not Thinking About Enough.

2. For the Pickleball Nerds  What Type of Player Are You?

3. My Journey Playing Pro  PPA Cincinnati.

A Helpful Tip (Video):

Most have heard about the 3rd shot drop and drive. Those two shots get lots of love in pickleball. And rightfully so, they’re important. 

Now, when's the last time you've heard about the 4th shot? My guess is, maybe never! It gets little love, but if executed well — can change the entire complexion of a point.

I’ve played for two years, and heard few people ever talk about just how important it truly is. 

So I decided to make a video (below).

Quick note: After watching, would you help me make my editors day? 

He’s the absolute best. And a HUGE reason these videos turn out well. 

He obsesses over graphics and animations, and helps make every youtube video as clear and good as possible (like the part at 7:05. I don’t know how he thinks of these things. Hilarious.) 

He reads all the comments when we post videos, so no pressure, but if you do watch, and enjoy all the extra animations — can you go into the youtube comment something like, “whoever edited this is incredible.”

If he sees just a few of those messages, I know it’ll make him feel really good beyond me telling every 5 minutes how grateful I am for him!


For the Pickleball Nerds: 

 An excerpt from the “Inner Game Of Tennis,”

“After they play tennis for a year or so, most people fall into a particular pattern of play from which they seldom depart. Some adopt a defensive style; they spare no effort to retrieve every ball, lob often, hit deep into the opponent's court and seldom hit the ball hard or go for a winner. The defensive player waits for his opponent to make an error and wears him down by degrees with endless patience. 

The opposite of this is the offensive style. In its extreme form, the ball is hit for a winner every time. Every serve is designed to be an ace, every return of serve a clean passing shot, while volleys and overheads are all aimed to land within one or two inches of the line. 

A third common pattern is what might be called the formal style of play. Players in this category don’t care so much where their ball goes as long as they look good stroking it. They would rather be seen using flawless form than winning the match. 

In contrast, there is the competitive style of the player who will do anything to win. He runs hard and hits hard or soft, depending on what seems to bother his opponent most, exploiting his every weakness, mental and physical. 

Having outlined these basic styles to a group of players, I often suggest that, as an experiment they adopt the style that seems most unlike the one they have previously adopted. 

I also suggest that they act the role of a good player, no matter what style they have chosen. Besides being a lot of fun, this kind of role playing can greatly increase a player's range. The defensive player learns they can hit winners; the aggressive one finds they can also be stylish. I have found that when players break their habitual patterns, they greatly extend the limits of their own style and explore subdued aspects of their personality.”


This segment stood out to me. Although, I’d rename these 4 archetypes too… 

  1. The Durable Defender
  2. The Aggressive Ace
  3. The Aesthetic Artist
  4. The Versatile Virtuoso

If you just started playing last week, you probably haven’t adopted a style. That’s okay! But if you’ve played a bit longer, you probably have! I know I have. 

And reading this, it made me reflect on my style and the style of who I plan to become! In the past, I’ve leaned more defensive! And truthfully, I need a little more disciplined aggression in my game. 

That’s a skill set I’m working to add so I can eventually become the Versatile Virtuoso who can play any style based on what’s needed most in any specific game! 

I’ll leave you with this question:

What is your current style and what other style should you add to take your game to another level?

My Journey Playing Pro Pickleball: 

I just landed in Cincinnati for the PPA tournament here. (Yes, many of the MLP signed players are still playing PPA tournaments this year – to my current understanding.)

I’m playing men's doubles with my buddy Craig Johnson!

As I mentioned above, I’ve started reading the Inner Game of Tennis. I’ve learned a lot so far, and this little piece is what I’m taking with me into this weekend’s tournament. 

  • Focus on intentional breath between points. 
  • A relaxed concentration, and
  • Free flowing strokes.

In closing, stay tuned to the live stream on the PPA youtube channel. The winner of our first round match plays the Johns Brothers, which will almost certainly be played on one of the streamed courts! 

Not looking ahead as we have a tough first rounder!

Here’s to playing like the Versatile Virtuoso.

Excited to compete,


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