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Occasional vs. consistent and what's next | Week 12

Mar 03, 2022

Last night, I played against some of the top players in town and played awesome.

Tonight, not so awesome.

And that’s the difference between amateurs and pros.

Amateurs do occasionally what pros do consistently.

I’m not there yet, but I’m showing flashes. And I like that.

Last week, I mentioned this week’s edition would be a bit different.

Well I fibbed (kinda). After starting my research this week, I realized I had more research to do than time to spend.

So I pushed back the “different” to next week.

What you can expect in future editions?

  1. What does it actually mean to “go pro in pickleball”?

  2. Will pickleball become a 2028 olympic sport?

  3. How does the ranking system in pickleball work?

  4. Pickleball comedy

  5. Pickleball quick tips

  6. Can you make a living playing pickleball?

  7. If I want to try it out, how do I start?

  8. If you wanted to go watch a pickleball tournament and see what all the hype is about, how do you do that?

Hit reply and let me know which of these 8 you’d be most interested in learning more about!

Until next week,
