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{VIDEO} | The nuances of pickleball with Pro Player Brandon Nsekpong

Jun 30, 2022

“Stop expecting results from the work you didn’t do. I had to remind myself, “get back to falling in love with the practice.”

I sat down with pro player Brandon Nsekpong and when he said that, I knew we were getting into the good stuff!

If you don’t know him, Brandon plays professionally and he’s a damn good player.

He’s crafty, consistent, and working to become one of the game’s best.

He also was one of the first pro players to sit and talk with me about playing high level pickleball, and I’ve always appreciated the time he invested to have that conversation with me.

At Major League Pickleball (MLP) a few weeks ago, I saw Brandon and we decided to sit down for a short conversation about the game.

Here’s five topics we got into:

  • The one message he’d give any 3.5 - 4.0 player who wants to level up.


  • A story about that one player we’ve all been around, but hope to avoid **chuckles**


  • What Brandon realized after he started losing his confidence.


  • How frustrating pickleball becomes after you feel like, “you’re just starting to figure it out.”


  • An analogy that might shift your perspective on how to play the game!

In addition to being an awesome guy and great pickleball player, Brandon’s a fantastic follow on instagram. Click here to get to his page.

Until next time,


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  • and a little about my journey from never playing to pro pickleball in 12 months!